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Swiss Circle

Areal Martinsbrugg

Potential capacity for high quality, dynamic enterprises adding long lasting value to them.

St. Gallen / St. Gallen
mixed use

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The area Martinsbrugg in the city of St. Gallen is ready for your expansion or a new project.


The area Martinsbrugg offers potential capacity for high quality, dynamic enterprises adding long lasting value to them. Especially companies in the field of ICT, Medtech, manufacturing technology and Mechatronics will benefit from the already existing industry. Become part of this network in the midst of an attractive business and industry area.


Profit from the good development potential of the plots and their easy access and delivery possibility. Further advantages are the short distance to the motorway and public transport as well as the proximity to the work force, access to the existing business area and the high visibility of the enterprise.


For Martinsbrugg we plan an open mix of users from business and industry companies without intensive public use.


Find more information on our website areale.stadt.sg.ch where you will find details regarding the plots as well as the frame conditions, description of the location and more.